Well she isn't quite leaping and bounding yet, but she sure is trying!! After an incredible summer of forward movement and improvement Lily hit a bit of a setback this fall when her orthopedic doctor decided her feet were reverting too severely to their club foot positioning and she would need to go through re-casting of her feet and possibly undergo surgery if the casting didn't do what he wanted. But praise God, the casting has worked and there is no need for surgery!!! And we have 4 days to go to get her last cast off. She got her right leg cast off two weeks ago since her right foot is being more cooperative than the left ;-)
As you can see the casts have not hindered her in the least. The worst part has been 12 weeks with out a bath. Sponge baths just aren't the same. I think Lily has a big old fashioned bubble bath on the schedule for Tuesday night!!
Joe Rogan Birth Chart
8 months ago
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