We arrived in Guangzhou last night- flight was late. We got to the hotel about 10pm and that was way to late. The flight was 1/2 delayed. Lily-an did great until about 15 minutes before landing. We got a supper during the flight of rice and potatoe with bun, vegetable and a pickled something or another. You should have seen Lily-an. You ever seen a fish flop on the ground wild and out of control, well that is the best way to describe Lily-an when she saw the white rice. She went nuts. All we could do was laugh and of course, give her white rice. She was all over the place. This went on for about 15-20 minutes. Oh, and don't even think of taking it away. She would have nothing of that. So, we didn't eat, but she did. She took the flight well. Nothing like a bunch of sardines in a can. It was so packed tight it was uncomfortable. The flight was about 2 hours. Long enough. Other than that 2 hour mess, we are doing great. The weather is about 90 degrees with about 75% humidity. They are talking of a cold front coming through in a few days so the temp is supposed to drop to the low 80's. That will be a nice temperature but they say it's going to be cold. The air is better and cleaner. Still can't drink the water. Bottled water gets old after a while. We are looking forward to washing our own clothes and drinking out of the tap. Laundry is expensive in Beijing and Zhengzhou. Here it seems to be less. There is competition among local business so there is discounts. Still, we will be spending about $100 on laundry. I won't complain, other families will be spending 2-3 times that amount. It's those little things we take for granted that we miss here. We are enjoying it though, however, we are ready to come home. I can't believe there is a Papa Johns here. I think we will be having some pizza tonight. There is an American restaurant where we can get a burger and fries, an Italian restaurant and even a few 7-11 stores. Very touristy here but at least if we need something, we can get it quickly. Everyone is very friendly. Here at the White Swan Hotel there are many families who are adopting. I quit counting. Today we had to go get a physical, part of the process, for Lily-an and it was crazy busy. I think there were 50 adopting families there. All these children. What a treat. It went quickly. We were in and out in under an hour. It's kind of a cya thing they do. Make sure everything matches up. Lily-an was a trooper. She has been adjusting well. We are fortunate to have a nurse midwife in our group and we have been able to ask her some question and get opinions and she has been very helpful and only has confirmed out thoughts and questions. We are on the right track. Lily-an is coming out of her shell today one again and is bringing us much joy and happiness. We are seeing little changes from a week ago that are wonderful. She is playing with teething rings where as a few days ago she had no idea what to do or even pick them up. Now, she plays with them and more. We borrowed them so we will have to return them but it is helping now and she is playing. She is starting to giggle and laugh now. Even a little is great. She is more focused and tuned into us now. Sorry, no pictures to post but should have some tomorrow or the next. There is a really nice park next to the hotel so we are planning on going over there tomorrow. So much going on and so little time to write, so, had best go. Take care and check back later. |
Joe Rogan Birth Chart
8 months ago