Well, we haven't really progressed that far since the last update. Now is a waiting game. We are waiting for passports to come. We are waiting for Immigration to notify us when to have our fingerprints done and then will wait for the Immigration approval letter. We are waiting for the homestudy paperwork to be finished.
This is the order of what needs to be completed:
Once we view to homestudy paperwork for review and it is finalized, it will be sent to the immigration office in Milwaukee. The immigration office will then notify us when we will have to have our fingerprints done. Once that is completed it will be about 60 days until we are either approved or declined for immigration. It is highly unlikely it will be declined. We will then receive an approval letter from immigration and that along with our other paperwork will have to be notorized and then sent to the Secretary of State here in Wisconsin. They have to verify the notary on the documents. This should take about 1-2 weeks. Once we receive them back with the verification we have to send it to the Chinese consulate in Chicago to have the Secretary of State Seal Authenticated. That should only take a short time. Then they will send it back. We then send all that along with a few other miscellaneous forms to our agency in Colorado. They take about 2 weeks to prepare our dossier for China. They send it. From there it is reviewed and entered into the system. Once it is entered into the system it will take 10-14 months before we are matched. This is taking longer at this time but that time can change as it goes. That, in a brief overview is what we are waiting for.
We are getting ready for the rummage sale at church this Friday and Saturday--June 2nd and June 3rd. We are truely grateful for all the people who are helping us with this. There are a large number of donations for the sale. The one thing we don't know is everyone who has brought items. It will be hard to thank everyone for supporting us. I would love to see this done every year for this type of outreach ministry. We as a church could do alot of good with something like this. I can only hope and pray this continues. It would really be great if we could help other couples with this journey.
As for now, we are waiting. We will do our best to keep updating this blog as things happen. Until then--Have a great and wonderful day!! :)
Joe Rogan Birth Chart
8 months ago