Well, here we are, nearly the middle of January already! Wanted to get a few pictures up from the holidays so here they are. Lily sailed through the craziness of Christmas without missing a beat.
She is continuing to gain strength and size. We weighed and measured her at the end of December and she had gained 2 1/2 pound and 2" in length since the end of November!! She sleeps 12 hours a night and takes a two hour nap almost every day. She eats like a horse, pretty much every two hours she needs food. I guess I would eat everything in site and sleep the rest of the time if I was growing that much too:-) She is at a total of 18 lbs. and 31". Of course she still looks like a string bean because she is growing in length so much, but she has definitely filled out.
Looking forward to meeting with the Ear/Nose/Throat specialist at Children's hospital next week for an evaluation of her hearing. Anxious to hear what they determine her hearing abilities to actually be. Other than that Lily is just plugging away at her physical, occupational, and speech therapy every week. She has a more complicated schedule than we do! - LOL
Enjoy the pictures!