It has been almost 2 months since the last posting. There is no change. We are waiting. We maybe waiting even a little longer now. The times are increasing. It will be sometime next spring with the way it is going. That is ok though. That will give us time to get the house finished even more and save even a little more money.
We have some upcoming fundraisers. After some thought and consideration, Jennifer and I along with Roy and Kari Smalley are teaming up with fundraising. They are logged in 3 weeks ahead of us. I know Jennifer and I feel our focus is changing. We want to bring awareness about adoption and how it will change lives. It is so different when you adopt compared to have a child naturally. We feel that as a group of 4 that we can do this. Our goal is to keep awareness out there.
Back to the fundraisers, in a nut shell, we are doing a great one now with antiquities photos. It is really cool. You buy a ticket for $10.00 and you get a photo sitting. This is for children up to age 16. The photo look really neat, especially of young children. Kind of like the ones you would have taken at a county, state fair. Dress up and pose. With the $10.00 you get an 8 x 10 photo. When you pick it up, it is then you buy different packages with different sizes. We are hoping to sell a minimum of 60 tickets (we have to) and want to do it at the end of March. If you want a ticket, see or call Jennifer or myself - SOON.
The next thing we are doing is a MYSTERY DINNER. Hopefully in April. The Library is this one. You can dress up as one of your favorite story book characters. We have the list. Call us if you want to attend. It is alot of fun to do these. Can't wait.
Then in June, the first Thursday - Saturday we doing the Rummage Sale at Fifth Ave. UMC. We did it last year and it was a huge success. This year we doing it on Thursday also. We are under the understanding this is the day the "professional" rummagers are out. I have a sinking feeling we are going to run out of room. Not that is a bad thing. We are collecting boxes already for it from generous people. We are being asked about it and this is going be twice as big as last year. Plus, we have a good time setting up. It is hard work, but is it fun.
That is it right now. There are a few more things we are talking about after the 4th of July. We will post more on that stuff later.
Again, we (all 4 of us) want to THANK everyone who is behind us. All of you are a huge support in your way and I wish we could tell everyone thank you. We forget sometimes. This is going to be a great year. We are going to be ready to go financially, maybe emotionally, and hopefully physically. This is not an easy task. It takes a lot hard work but will it be worth it 10 fold. Check back soon and hopefully we will have an update about the photo shoot and The Library mystery dinner.
Joe Rogan Birth Chart
8 months ago