Miss Lily has had an awesome couple of weeks! She is doing phenomenal in therapy and in school. This past week she got another tool to help her move along even faster. She got her Super Girl suit :-)
Actually it is called a SPIO suit. Spio stands for Stabilizing Pressure Input Orthosis. For those of you ladies who have had the opportunity to wear Spanks you will know exactly what this suit is like. Also very similar to the compression suits that runners wear.
Basically Lily has very long, stretched out muscles, tendons, and ligaments. When she first came to us she also had very low tone, no actual muscle at all. While she has developed an incredible amount of muscle in the past two years she still has a very difficult time managing that muscle. This suit gives her the deep pressure input she needs for her brain to get the messages on how to move her body effectively. It also provides support for that movement without weakening the existing muscles and helps shorten and tighten the muscles she does have.
She will be wearing this suit all day, every day. It is breathable and dry wicking just like the fancy athletic wear so she won't roast in it. Right now she tolerates it for 1/2 to 3/4 of the day and it is very easy to see the improvement in her movements, posture, and motor control.