Hmmmmm... where to start. Let's start with the good. Enjoy the video posted. It is from a few days ago at one of Lily-an therapy sessions. She has amazed quite a few people lately especially the therapists she sees. They are amazed at times I think. Lily has been getting stronger by the day. Her muscles are developing and you can see them now when she uses them. You can see her determination in the video. We are seeing this everyday with what she is doing. She is grabbing onto things and holding on. Her grip is very strong. She is bringing both hands together and grabbing things. This is a huge developmental stage for her. Means that both sides of the brain are communicating with each other. She is getting more vocal with situations around her. She is more attentive to what is going on around her and turning her head to see what is going on. You say her name and she looks at you. It just keeps getting better. She so bad wants to move and determined to do it. She isn't content with sitting on the floor now. She doesn't like crawling all that much. We go over to her or come near her and she reaches for us. She wants to stand up. So, we position her legs on the floor and have her stand. She stands from sitting now. She comes up on her knees from the floor. She initiates all of it. We are here to guide and help her but let her do it all. She wants to do this at home as well as at therapy. It is getting really interesting really fast. She is growing up right before us now. What a change in a short period of time. I can't wait to see what happens over the next 6 months. We are both excited for this and amazed at the change before our eyes. We will keep posting all the good stuff so everyone can keep up. Words really can't express everything. There are changes coming our direction. We have been getting this feeling for the past few months and Jennifer and I have been talking about it more and more now. Especially after today - will explain later. We have both been realizing the importance of our family, the 3 of us and what our responsibility is as parents to Lily-an. We both feel God is working in our lives and He is giving us a feeling of change coming. We trust in this feeling because it has happened before, how do you think we ended up here in Wisconsin, along with other things. I know not all of you are believers so you may not understand what I am saying. But, it is where Jennifer and I are at in our faith journey. We try our best to put our trust in the Lord for guidance through life that we are living out his will for us. We do make mistakes, quite often, but we always try to listen to he is trying to say to us. We do this through prayer, fellowship, reading the bible and more. The way things are looking is Jennifer will be scaling back considerably on her work in the sewing world. She has worked extremely hard the last 8 years and now things are about to change. My business is doing ok and the way things are going, I am picking up more work. We have felt that our family has been a little out of sync since we adopted Lily-an and more so lately. With the fact the Jennifer is facing surgery in a few weeks is the perfect opportunity to re-evaluate things and start a new direction. She is starting to not take on work. Only what she wants to and if time allows. Her main responsibility will be to take care of Lily-an now with sometime spent in the shop. Not the other way around like it has been. These are important times for Lily-an and her development. We feel it is necessary to help her progress and develop as much as possible. We need to do our part now more than ever. We can't the way we are doing things. Things have to change. I will pick up the hole that will be left by Jennifer. We both know it will not be easy but with God guiding us, we can do. We know He will provide all that we need. We may not get rich doing it but we will have our family and it will be a strong family which is what is so needed now in these times we live. Our emphasis will be on family and the time we spend together. I will work at my shop restoring and repairing cars as much as I can. I have work through the end of the year for sure and with smaller side projects coming in, I will keep busy. We ask that you keep us in your prayers as we adjust to this change and that God provides exactly what we need to do it. This is a huge adjustment for us but we know it is the right thing to do. Now, a little note about today. Our morning started at 4am with Lily waking up crying. This has happened before but not for a while. Jennifer got up, gave her some juice and Lily didn't want to go back to sleep. Jennifer brought her to bed with us so she could at least rest with her. I noticed Lily was extremely warm, almost hot. Confusing since we have a/c and it is on. Soon, Jennifer says she is taking Lily-an on an early morning walk and off she goes. Things are good, right. She returns and soon wakes me up about 7:30am, something isn't right. Lily-an is having a seizure. She was warm. Thank goodness we are emt's and have some training to understand what is going on. Off to the ER by ambulance. Her temp was 103. Kind of low for febrile seizure. After a few minor tests and some Tylenol, her temp comes down to under 100 and she perks up sits up and is starting to look like herself. She is very tired and exhausted which is completely normal after this. Oh, she is also a little ticked off. Things look good, tests come back negative and the only thing the Dr can come up with is a virus spiked her fever and caused it. Makes sense as talk about it and we leave feeling comfortable with what he said. We have monitor her temp now. If it is a virus, there is nothing really that can be done, just need to run its course and give her ibuprofen and tylenol to keep the fever at bay. Normal thing to do. We called the on call pediatrician at Lily-ans dr's clinic and he agreed with what the er doc said. Just what kind of virus is it is the question. The ped. Dr. is thinking foot/mouth virus. It isn't flu season here and what happened is characteristic of foot/mouth virus. And this makes even more sense because Lily-an is in the stage of putting her mouth on everything she can and putting everything to her mouth she can. Like parents haven't seen their children do that. The seizure/fever is usually the first signs to show up with this virus. The physical signs (blister, red spots) show up a few days later. This afternoon, Lily-an was her normal self and we are doing great. Her temp is great, she is eating like she always does, bathroom as normal and is very playful and active like normal. We are going to monitor her temp over night and give her meds if we have to. That is about all we can do within our ability. We are praying God will heal her, correct her body, take care of the virus, no more seizures and that he gives us wisdom, peace and understanding through this process. Today was a day that we couldn't fix anything. Lily-an was in the palm of God's hand and he was taking care of her. We could only pray. Talk about helpless and useless. This is one thing, we couldn't fix or do anything about. Making a few decisions was about it. We believe God answered our prayers but we are not giving up, we are going keep praying for Lily-ans health(maybe our sanity also). Today really made us look hard at our situation here and it confirms more and more that we are on the right track. Most people would think we are out of our minds, yeah, maybe we are but with God, it will all be ok. We believe that, we have faith in that and it will. Pray for Lily-an that she is healed. No parent wants to be in our shoes and today I stood in someone elses. I have a greater understanding for the little patients I see and their parents. I can relate now where I could never before. Now I know. What a lesson today was. My heart breaks over what happened today. I was helpless........but I knew Lily-an was in good hands.