To say we have been crazy busy around here would be quite the understatement! It is the peak of bridal season for me in the shop, Mike has had people coming out of the woodwork with automotive projects, and then we decide to switch pediatricians for Lily.
Switching doctors in and of its self was not really a big deal, but combine it with everything else and new tests and more appointments makes for a little bit of craziness:-)
So why switch doctors now? Well we weren't exactly unhappy with our old doctor, but we weren't really pleased either. She was adequate, I think, but Lily was never really "sick" in the typical sense of the word. The little contact we did have with her was for basic well baby visits or to have her refer us out for Lily's club feet or hearing issues. We never consulted with her for therapy because Lily qualified for therapy though Wisconsin's Birth to 3 program. But Lily is going to be 3 in a few short weeks, which would mean that we would have to go to our doctor and request continued therapy for her, much more than is typically allowed per year through insurance. And we just didn't feel like this doctor would fight for Lily to get her the treatment she needed. So we said good bye and found a doctor who would fight for any and all treatments Lily might need.
Our good friends Roy and Kari found this doctor through one of the specialist's their daughter Mei sees at the UW Children's Hospital in Madison. He is awesome!!! He specializes in internationally adopted children and children with special needs. It was very obvious that he had extensive experience with children like Lily who come from difficult backgrounds. The questions he asked and the interest he showed in what we knew of her past told us that he knew what he was doing. He immediately ordered a whole battery of tests on her thyroid, liver and kidneys because he is concerned about her continued low weight even as she eats 5 full meals a day. She is still below the 3rd percentile for weight. He also referred us out for a genetics consult just to make sure we are not missing some weird or rare syndrome.
He also gave us strict orders not to discontinue any therapy what so ever and told us he will sign off for any and all therapies that her therapists requests. Yeah! We were really afraid that once Lily turned 3 that we would have to cut back and slow down or lose the progress that we have made so far. And she can keep her same therapists which will be awesome for her.
So far all of her blood work has come back normal. I think we are still waiting for a couple that will be back next week. The genetics consult is scheduled for August - I am looking forward to that, I have always been fascinated by genetics.
All I can say is it sure is nice to have a doctor who is so intensely interested in your child - we have some one who is a partner with us now who will advocate for her medical needs.