Well, all the anxiety and build up waiting to see if we were accepted by CCAI (our agency), and now we are.....waiting....again.
We have 90 days to come up with our 1st agency fee ($1950) and secure our homestudy agency. We have an appointment with a homestudy agency on Feb. 13th. That will cost $1500. I am not sure if that is an up front cost or if it is broken up over the course of the study. For those of you who don't know what the homestudy is - it basically consists of a social worker going over your life with a fine tooth comb with the ultimate objective of discovering whether you have ever farted in church, ever. Just kidding:-) Really, they do the local, state, and federal background checks, personal interviews, and a home visit to make sure we don't live in a cardboard box or something. A cardboard box would sure be a lot cheaper to remodel, but oh well. Earl has been sternly warned to be on his best behavior - which, come to think of it, isn't all that good.
We are starting to get together some fundraising ideas and all of a sudden it doesn't seem like we have very much time, and that this is going to go very quickly. We have started thinking about names, primarily girls names, but we will have a few boy's names just in case. That's all for now I guess. We are looking forward to hearing back from all of you - it looks like you have to create a user name and password to leave a comment - I think you can handle that:-)
Joe Rogan Birth Chart
8 months ago