This posting will be continiually updated as time goes on. So don't freak out if you don't see your name, this is a work in progress!
You are all our hero's. We wouldn't even be embarking on this journey without the support and encouragement of our friends and family. I don't think there is any way to thank you for all you have done and continue to do.
Moms & Dads - Pat & John, Tom & Jan
Thanks for never pushing and always supporting. And thanks for your genuine excitement and enthusiasum.
Grandmas & Grandpas - Albert & Del, Pat & Spike
Thank you for being even more anxious for our baby to come home than we are!
Sisters & Brothers - Chad, Tina, Alisha, Jerod, Delacey
Thank you in advance for answering all of the midnight phone calls of "what do we do now???!!!" Hopefully not too many:-)
Vicky - Thank you from the bottom of my heart for praying me through this. You are the older, wiser sister I never had. Thank you for showing me how to lay it all down for the Lord.
Mark & Tanya - Thank you for sharing your family with us. Spending time with your children helped us to open up our hearts to the possibility of having our own.
Tracy & Jason - Thank you for your big hearts and wonderful smiles - you have been nothing but encouraging from the very beginning.
Jon & Jean
John, Jo, Christopher & Jennifer
5th Ave United Methodist Church
Roy & Kari
Janet & Steve
Jerry & Shelia - Our notary extroirdinaire!!
Alma & Baiz - Yesterday's Pub and Grill
Georgia - Georgia's Bridal
Amy & Gary
Cyndy Beecroft - Celtic Crossroads Cafe
Pat & Barney
Dale & Barb
Betsy & Doug
Dex & Margie
Tony & Peg
Bruce & Bonnie
Michelle & Dave
Kris Steinbach
Dianna & Mike (Norsk Winds)
Mayville Auxiliary
Joe Rogan Birth Chart
8 months ago