This posting will be continiually updated as time goes on. So don't freak out if you don't see your name, this is a work in progress!
You are all our hero's. We wouldn't even be embarking on this journey without the support and encouragement of our friends and family. I don't think there is any way to thank you for all you have done and continue to do.
Moms & Dads - Pat & John, Tom & Jan
Thanks for never pushing and always supporting. And thanks for your genuine excitement and enthusiasum.
Grandmas & Grandpas - Albert & Del, Pat & Spike
Thank you for being even more anxious for our baby to come home than we are!
Sisters & Brothers - Chad, Tina, Alisha, Jerod, Delacey
Thank you in advance for answering all of the midnight phone calls of "what do we do now???!!!" Hopefully not too many:-)
Vicky - Thank you from the bottom of my heart for praying me through this. You are the older, wiser sister I never had. Thank you for showing me how to lay it all down for the Lord.
Mark & Tanya - Thank you for sharing your family with us. Spending time with your children helped us to open up our hearts to the possibility of having our own.
Tracy & Jason - Thank you for your big hearts and wonderful smiles - you have been nothing but encouraging from the very beginning.
Jon & Jean
John, Jo, Christopher & Jennifer
5th Ave United Methodist Church
Roy & Kari
Janet & Steve
Jerry & Shelia - Our notary extroirdinaire!!
Alma & Baiz - Yesterday's Pub and Grill
Georgia - Georgia's Bridal
Amy & Gary
Cyndy Beecroft - Celtic Crossroads Cafe
Pat & Barney
Dale & Barb
Betsy & Doug
Dex & Margie
Tony & Peg
Bruce & Bonnie
Michelle & Dave
Kris Steinbach
Dianna & Mike (Norsk Winds)
Mayville Auxiliary
One more year....
8 years ago
What a wonderful circle of friends to assist and be part of it all for you. Lots of good support.
Mike and Jennifer,
We're blessed to have you as friends! I'm so thankful to GOd for placing you two in our lives!
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