At last! After a couple of months of waiting, filling out paper work, re-doing paper work, waiting, and filling out more paper work we have made some progress! We got the draft of our COMPLETED homestudy in the mail today!! Yeah - we have been officially, officially approved to adopt a child and it says so on paper. Julie (our social worker) already faxed a copy to CCAI and mailed one to Immigration. We should be recieving the call to get our fingerprinting done any time now. Then we just have to wait a little longer to get our "favorable letter of determination". Once we have that we will finally have all of the pieces we need to send in to the State of Wis. to be verified (they have to approve our notary). Once everything has been verified - they actually do this pretty quickly - all of these forms and certificates get sent to the Chinese consulate in Chicago where they get "authenticated". Basically they are double checking the double checker. THEN everything can be sent to CCAI to be translated and sent to China.
O.k. - that probably doesn't sound like we have made very much progress, but trust me, it is a major milestone. Now that we have the homestudy in our hands we can start applying for grants for one thing. That's all for now folks! We will update as soon as we have more to share.
Joe Rogan Birth Chart
8 months ago