As of today October 27, 2006 our dossier is being translated. We were able to get a document changed and overnighted it to our agency. Had to make a minor correction. It is done, the paperwork is done!!!!! For now- we are done, kind of. Once our dossier is translated it will be sent to China. From there it will be about 3-5 weeks before we are "logged" in. That day we are "logged" in is when the countdown begins. It will be about 14 months from that day.
On Saturday November 11 from 1-4 pm a few of the local businesses are sponsoring a chili cook off fundraiser. This is for our adoption and for Roy and Kari Smalley. Their dossier is on it's way to China or already is there. We aren't that far behind them. Keep that Saturday open. Come to Mayville to try some chili and have a visit. We will all be there. This will be a lot of fun. The businesses are Georgia's Bridal, Celtic Crossroad Cafe and Mortgage Central. Thanks to Georgia G., Cyndy B. and Kris Steinbach for doing this and being sponsors. If you can cook a killer chili, enter it. Hot, medium, mild, doesn't matter. Hope there is some for everybodies like. The more chili the better. There will be door prizes and prizes for first, second, and third. Cyndy asked the local radio personalities to judge the chili and they one uped and said they would plus they will promote it on the radio. Can't wait to hear it. Will keep you all posted as the next steps happen. Keep us in your prayers that this next step goes smoothly and we get our log in date. This is a very important step. God bless all of you. Thanks.
Joe Rogan Birth Chart
8 months ago