How many times can one kid blast off into the outer space of accomplishments?! I asked Mike if it was my imagination, yesterday morning, or were Lily's pants all getting too short again?
Well she had a follow up appointment at Children's and guess what? The child has grown 2" in the last 6 weeks or so since she was last measured! She has leaped into the 41st percentile for height. Pretty amazing considering that when she came home with us 2 1/2 years ago she wasn't even on the charts:-)
She hasn't been able to keep up in the weight department. Due to the new height it has now dropped her to below the 1st percentile for weight. If she repeats her typical pattern she will now spend the next several weeks adding some weight. She actually broke the 25 lb. mark which was a huge milestone, but she had a tummy ache over the weekend and dropped back down to 24 lb.
She is using her light weight to her advantage, however, and is taking flight in therapy! Today she decided it was time to do laps. She refused to sit down, she only wanted to stand, and then she wanted to walk. With one therapist holding her hands and one holding her hips for stability she then proceeded to march around the 8x10 carpet, not once, not twice, but 4 times!! We were all amazed, to say the least. I think her therapists are having to re-write all of her goals this afternoon because she just passed and surpassed a whole bunch of them.
Strong and determined are much to mild to describe this girl. Try charging warhorse, locomotive, launching space shuttle. Watch out world, Lily-an is coming!!
Joe Rogan Birth Chart
8 months ago