In the past 6 weeks we have gone through 3 rounds of antibiotics, taken one ride in the ambulance, spent two nights in the hospital, and learned how to administer IV drugs though a picc line. All for one swollen finger, one seizure, and one violent bout of the stomach flu.
So Lily developed some weird infection in her finger (probably from her own mouth). 3 rounds of antibiotic later and nothing is working. Infection spread to the bone. We just got home today from 2 nights in the hospital trying to figure out what to do. Ended up with a PICC Line, which is basically an IV catheter that stays in all the time and it runs directly to the heart.
Its sounds, icky, freaky, and super serious, and I guess it is, but Lily can do all of her normal daily activities. It allows us to give her IV antibiotics at home and she doesn't have to get stuck with a needle over and over again. And a way better option than having to stay in the hospital for 4 weeks which would have been the alternative. Yes, the picc line is in for 4 weeks. Three, one hour treatments per day.
In between rounds of antibiotics for the finger Lily had another seizure that sent us to the hospital by ambulance. On the way to the hospital we discovered the trigger for her seizure when she projectile vomited at her favorite EMT. Yes, the stomach flu can trigger seizures. After she threw up she spiked a 104 degree temp. In children like Lily who have seizure disorders their systems are very sensitive. Viruses like colds and flu can easily send them into a seizure. Again, this sounds serious but it is really very common for kids like Lily. She just presents her symptoms backwards. Most kids spike a fever and the rest follows. Lily seizes and then reveals the fever/cold/flu. These are considered febrile (fever induced) seizures and are unrelated to her sleep seizures.
I am pretty sure I have left out a ton of stuff about the last 6 weeks, but my brain is complete and utter mush right now. Anyway, Lily is doing awesome considering all the chaos. She is one amazing little girl.
Joe Rogan Birth Chart
8 months ago