It has been along time since the last posting. We made it through the rummage sale with excellent results. We raised $2800.00 from the sale. This year, we did it different. While talking about how to price everything, Roy, Kari, Jennifer and I decided not price the items except for a few larger things. 90% we did not price. It was a success!!! PRAISE GOD! He truly blessed us in that time. People didn't know what to say when we would ask for a donation. There are no prices, just donate what you think is fair. It was a fun outreach for the community. If our numbers are right, we had less sales than the year before, but the amount per sale was more. We all agreed that this is the way to do a rummage. We were able to focus more on set up and preparing than pricing. That saved us a days work. We had a lot of help this year. Marlene kept the clothes organized and folded. That was a blessing. With out her, the clothes would have been a disaster. There were countless others that came and helped with set up and during the sale. Thank you to all for that. We had some of our family come down from Minnesota and help. It was great that they were able to come. I think they had a blast. Found a lot of items and filled the car full. We can not thank our families enough for their support. Next June is only 9 months away....
Nothing new to report on the process. We are waiting, waiting and waiting. It sounds like the CCAA is moving through the dossiers at a steady pace. We are still looking at next summer before we go. But if you think about it, that is is not that far away. We have a lot of work to do here at home to prepare. It is getting done but not as fast as I would like. It will get done though. We ask that you keep all of us in your thoughts and prayers. Roy, Kari, Jennifer and I are all so grateful for the support we are receiving from our friends and family. Without them, this process would be a whole lot harder to do. We thank God for what He is doing in our lives. Without him, none of this would be happening. This is His will for us. Thank you God! Until next time... What for an update regarding the Mystery Dinner......soon
Joe Rogan Birth Chart
8 months ago