The last couple of days have really seen Lily coming out of her shell. She went from being a nearly silent baby to babbling her fool little head off the other night. I can't even give an adequate description of the transformation we are witnessing in her. I will give it a shot, though.
Lily is rightly named for a flower. When we got her she was a tiny little transplant. She was long and spindly like a little plant that was growing and growing but had no sun to make it strong or nutrients to sustain its growth. She was wilted without water and no roots to anchor her.
We have spent the last few weeks pouring love on this little wilted girl and we are so blessed by God to be able to watch her come to life.
As the days and nights have gone by I had been searching for the right song to use as a lullaby. Lily - in spite of her supposed poor hearing - definitely responds to music sung to her. She doesn't really respond to music on the radio, but if you sing to her you get her attention. The right song came to me the other night. I just sing the chorus because it pretty much says everything I need it to say. I sing it as a prayer for her and a prayer for me, and it is such a beautiful picture of adoption.
Bind us together
Lord, bind us together
with cords that cannot be broken
Bind us together
Lord, bind us together
Lord, bind us together with love.
Joe Rogan Birth Chart
8 months ago