So much for my weekly dedication to writing updates. Time is disappearing, and I haven't figured out a way to get it back yet. So here is the low down. Sent the homestudy app. in, just waiting to hear back when we meet for the first time. Sent the 1st agency fee in (look at the monetary breakdown if you want to see where this all fits in the time line).
This whole process really plays with your mind. It magnifies any and all anxieties you have, plus it creates some new ones along the way. We haven't even started the homestudy and I have already imagined half a million reasons why she is going to tell us we won't be able to adopt. Not to mention the fear that is always in the back of my mind - how are we going to pay for this? For those of you that don't know this about me, money freaks me out big time, or more accurately, the lack of it.
I am trying to keep my money anxieties in check, but if you find me hyperventilating in a corner somewhere, you will know I got left alone with my thoughts too long. To ease some of the anxiety I am trying to focus on the fundraising events we have coming up :
Potluck at church March 19th 11:45 a.m. - mostly informational but a free will dontion will be taken.
Mystery Dinner #1 - Case of the Missing Gold March 25th - invite only, this is our trial run event if it works well we will be doing hopefully several more at church, in Mayville, and back home this summer.
We are working on several other ideas as well, from a church rummage sale to setting up an Ebay charity account through the church.
Along the lines of money anxieties I took Mike through the baby section at Walmart, kind of a prep run. So if you find him hyperventilating in a corner it is because he is in shock over realizing how much diapers cost. So that's it for now. Keep checking back - I will try to get better at posting things a little more often. Jennifer
Joe Rogan Birth Chart
8 months ago
Bob should not left the first comment, jk. Cuz now there's nothing to say, He's right, just hang tight, but not too tight, maybe relax.
Thanks for the chuckle Jennifer!! Yeah, people say--let go, let God--but easier said than done. Or relax--everything will fall into place. It'll work out. Haha!! Let me relax and I'd run away. It is a test with no instructions!! It just gets us on our knees--the pants have holes in them and the knees are callused!! Screaming helps!!
Love, Mom
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