We have an appointment with the ortho doctor later this week to discuss her hips and how soon we may be looking at surgery. Keep Lily in your prayers. We dread the thought of her having to go through surgery like that, but we know it may have to be done sooner rather than later.
Joe Rogan Birth Chart
8 months ago
I know she is not gonna like being imobile after surgery but she is gonna really take off once her hips are more stable. You better watch out mama!
ALOT of prayers and thoughts to you...as I know what you will be doing...but I keep reminding myself...THE END RESULT IS WORTH IT!
But it ain't fun when you are in the middle of it. I'm here to chat if you need anything. Keep us posted. And LOVIN' the therapy that she is doing! WOW! She is getting big!
Take care of yourself!
Thanks Lynnea. I will let you know what we find out Thursday. We also have an appointment in 2 weeks to look in to the possibility that Lily may have something like Celiacs. Poor kid just can't gain any weight, but she eats, and eats, and eats.
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