Monday, August 29, 2011


This picture just about sums up the summer:-)


Lynnea said...

Icecream on the face where it belongs! Not on the toes ;) lol
LOVIN' summer and sad that it is almost over :(
Much love to you guys!
Lynnea for all

Mike and Jennifer said...

Yes, Lily and I were very worried about all of the people putting ice cream on their feet so we thought we would show them proper ice cream etiquette;-)

Grippo said...

I love what's shining through her eyes in that picture. You can see all the way into that soul and know her. She keeps revealing herself more over time, doesn't she?

Mike and Jennifer said...

Julie, I was just thinking the same thing! Chocolate does give a girl a special glow, though;-)
I wish you could be here to see all of the changes that we are seeing. It is truly amazing!