Finally! I can officially report that I do NOT have thyroid cancer!!! After thinking that I had the all clear after surgery two weeks ago we got some unexpected bad news last Friday at my check up. The complete pathology had come back with the discovery of some "weird" (doctor's words) looking cells. Their pathologists didn't know what they were so my samples had been sent out to the Mayo Clinic for further diagnosis. Talk about bummed out!! If the cells were determined to be cancerous that would mean that I would have to have the surgery all over again to have the remaining thyroid half removed.
I got the official word this afternoon that after FOUR Mayo clinic pathologists reviewed my samples they were determined to be benign. The nurse said my samples were very popular due to their weirdness:-/
I guess this falls under the category of "fearfully and wonderfully made" in God's creation department, lol!
Nothing to report on Miss Lily yet. She has not had any more seizures for which we are thankful. She had her MRI yesterday and has an EEG on the 7th. We will just have to wait and see what all of the test results say and go from there. She just keeps forging ahead with her typical good natured determination.
I am just glad and thankful that God is allowing me to focus my full attention back on my little girl:-)
Joe Rogan Birth Chart
8 months ago
Weird?!? You? No way!!! ;P
Oh happy to hear that all is good though! And praying for wisdom on Lilly-an's tests!
Hopefully you can have some clear answers.
Praying and thinking of you!!
Lynnea :)
Thank God you're so weird.
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