This time next week we will be in the air and on our way to China! I can hardly believe it's here already. How can that be after waiting so long and so impatiently that now things are moving too fast?! Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to meet our daughter and hold her in my arms. I am just wondering what exactly we spent the last 3 1/2 years doing because we still have a million things to get done before we leave. The problem is that people keep asking me what we need or need help with and I have no idea!!! My mind is full and empty at the same time if that's possible. I think my hard drive is locked up:-) You know - the little hour glass symbol is spinning and spinning and nothing is happening. I am hoping that I can get a grip by this weekend, that once I'm done with work on Friday the cobwebs will clear.
Going shopping for travel supplies tonight I think. Off to find my husband right now and get a move on!
Joe Rogan Birth Chart
8 months ago
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