Saturday, September 23, 2006


Almost there. We have received all documents back from the Chinese Consulates. They all have their approval. We just need to take some pictures and then it is time to mail our dossier to our agency. We have finished all paperwork for now. I don't know of any other paperwork and if there is it will be when it time to go to China. Almost. Will keep you posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow--I'm really behind with reading your blog. What a legacy you are leaving--this is just beautiful.
One comment I will pass on--the woman that is my supervisor has adopted 4 children from Africa--think it is Ethiopia. It was a boy, a girl another boy. The girl was lonesome and wanted a sister. So through her experience, she would say, not one, go ahead with two right away. It's not only cheaper, but emotionally she said the children are happier. Hers are all under 6.
Anyway, proud of both of you.