So our little elf is hard at work making sure everything is just so:-) It is so amazing to see how far she has come since last Christmas when she was still struggling to hold up her own head.
Thank you God!
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1 A place for friends and family to share the adventure, stresses, frustrations, and joys of parenting our adopted daughter.
Thank God!! I love to see her standing there. I also chuckled that you also don't have presents under the tree. Jia can't be trusted with a single present (hers or anyone's) if it's not Christmas morning. I'm wondering if you have the same problem!
Haha, Julie! No, we actually don't have any presents. Horrifying, isn't it?! We celebrated Christmas with our families back in Minnesota a couple of weeks ago so Lily opened presents then.
We went looking for "Santa" gifts to open here at home and we just couldn't find anything that we wanted. She has so much already and our space is very limited!
We are, however, following a tradition of my good friend Vicky who always gives her kids a Christmas Eve present from the Pajama Elves:-) The Pajama Elves left Mom and Dad new slippers and some new, warm jammies for Lily:-)
Pajama elves I like that. Our kiddos usually get either pajamas or Christmas clothes on Christmas eve depending on which they need. Merry christmas
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