The pictures speak for themselves.
Joe Rogan Birth Chart
8 months ago
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1 A place for friends and family to share the adventure, stresses, frustrations, and joys of parenting our adopted daughter.
When I saw the one of her in the middle, I started to cry. She's really, really here. Thanks for being open vessels to God's work and outstanding parents to boot. xoxo
What a beautiful girl! Love you Lily-An
Amazing is right! WOW!
And you want to make me three of those adorable hats!??!?
I'm assuming you made them!
I'd be happy to pay you :)
PLEASE?!?!??! lol
Oh, if we're putting in hat orders, I'd like 2 please. Bill me. And, are these going to be Christmas pics? If not, can you send me one of the 3 of you?
Beautiful family pictures!! Thank you for sharing them. It was very nice to see how Lily has grown & wow what a smile:)
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