Our little girl who can't even talk or walk yet(although she is working mightily at both) has decided that she wants to potty train herself. For about the last month already she hasn't been wetting at night. At first we thought it was a fluke but it soon became obvious that as soon as we would open up her diaper in the morning she would visibly push/grunt to relieve her bladder. She was sick of peeing in her diaper. She also started getting very agitated at different times during the day, which we have come to discover is her way of trying to tell us she has to potty.
So we started working on the sign for potty with her and just this weekend we got her a potty chair of her very own. We sat her on it a few times with her clothes on just so she could get used to sitting on it and she did very well. She has been on it a total of maybe 4 times with her diaper off. She has been rather puzzled by the new routine, but I just sat her on it for the heck of it before I got her dressed for the day, and what do you know! Lily peed on the potty!!! She was loving all of the praise:-)
I am not sure where this will go from here. We want this to be entirely positive and driven by Lily's desire, not ours. She continues to amaze us everyday. She maybe can't walk yet, but she sure is letting us know there are other things she can do and she is going to do them!
Joe Rogan Birth Chart
8 months ago
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