I can't believe how fast this past year has gone. I haven't blogged anything since we got home. I know Jennifer has been doing it but I haven't. She seems to do a better job at it than me. Today was a rough day. It was hard for Lily-an but also Jen and I. We knew going to Childrens today might be an upsetting day for her. Anytime a doctor has to look in Lily's ears or mouth, it is a struggle. She flat out does not like it. Well, after our last ENT visit in July the doctor recommended that she clean out Lily's ears. We opted not to because we knew it would upset her but also we had an appointment to get her legs casted for braces and didn't know what to expect and figured it would be too much. The casting went ok but she was upset which we expected, not bad though. Today, I had kind of had the feeling it wasn't going to be an easy day at the clinic. The nurse practitioner looked in her ears and said there was wax and she couldn't see the tubes clearly and thought they had come out. There was also dried blood. Not such a good thing. Well, she said she would have to clean the wax out so she could see. Oh boy, was that rough. Lily-an was one very mad child. She was pissed to say the least. The NP could only get a few small pieces of wax out and wasn't able to see a whole lot more. Lily-an was making noises we had never heard before she was so mad/upset. She had no bones telling us either. The NP prescribed a ear drop medication to help soften the wax and clean up the ear canal. We go back in 2 weeks for a follow up and we pray the ears are cleaner so she can see the tubes and ear drums. There is a possibility that Lily-an will not need tubes put back in if the ear drums look good and the fluid is draining like it should. We have to put drops in her ears twice a day she said. Well, 30 minutes later she was still upset. She was telling us what she thought of that. It is hard to hold your little one down like that. She doesn't understand and we can't explain it to her to help. It is just something that has to be done. I am guessing it will be done every 3-6 months now. I don't think we will have a choice. Maybe it will get easier.
Tonight went well. She fussed only a little when putting the drops in and then was her happy self. Then off to bed.
As for the ortho doc, he said there is a possibility that she won't need to have the surgery after the casting is done. If the foot stretches enough then she may not need it. The good thing is we talked with ENT and Ortho and they would be able to the 2 surgeries at the same time. That would be nice. It would be easier on Lily-an. Both surgeries would take 5 minutes total. Very quick to do. I am asking for prayer for Lily-an. We know God has his hand in all of this and is doing wonders in Lily-an we get to experience everyday. Pray for the doctors, pray for Lily-an that she wouldn't need either surgery - yes, we do believe in miracles, pray that Lily-an is comforted through the whole ear thing and the next 10 days with the drops. In 2 weeks that the ears are clear and the fluid is not built up behind the ear drums requiring tubes. She is one tough child. She will take it all in stride and if the surgeries are required, we will do it because we know it is best for her. Last but not least, pray for us the we have the wisdom to know what to do. Peace is always good for us. It was a stressful day for us.
Joe Rogan Birth Chart
8 months ago
1 comment:
Thanks for keeping us updated. I'll be praying.
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