A lot of people have been asking so I wanted to let you all know that Mike and I are planning to stop at Target and Sears tomorrow and register. I think we are finally starting to get a handle on what we need and what Lily is going to need, sorry all of this has been in reverse order, but that's just the way it works with adoption I guess:-)
Also, Lily's full name is Lily-an Xiao Hua Thoreson. We know it's a long, slightly complicated name but we really wanted her to be able to retain her Chinese name. Xiao Hua is pronounced like sea-yeow wa and means "little flower". I sure she will hate us when she starts kindergarten and has to learn how to spell her name, but oh well, parent's perrogative.
We are starting on our 5th full day at home and things are going well. Lily seems to be adapting quite well. I think it will take her a coupe of weeks to realize that this setting is permanent. We did so much traveling and moving around in China, every few days there was a dramatic change in scenery for her. So the longer we are at home the more I think she will relax and come out of her shell. Overall she is a very content and peaceful little girl. She also seems to be quite a serious thinker. Her little eyebrows come together and she just has this intense look of concentration when she sees or hears something new. Yes, she is hearing things and seems to be hearing more everyday, which is amazing! We are very anxious to get her evaluated and find out exactly what is going on with her ears.
Oscar (our 4 legged baby) is adapting to her very well and has already established himself as her protector. She is pretty indifferent to him, but she will smile when he licks her face.
All in all, we couldn't ask for a better transition from travel to home.
Joe Rogan Birth Chart
8 months ago
1 comment:
just thought of this---when is babies birthday?
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