Just waiting now for our fingerprint appointment scheduled for September 9th. Found out today that we may be able to get in earlier than that, but will have to wait and see. It also sounds like we will be able to secure our I-171H quicker than we first thought so that is good news too. There is even a remote possibility that we could still travel sometime in September! What a roller coaster!
Other than that we are busy finishing all of our remodeling projects. Alisha and Josh came down this weekend and helped us gut the bathroom and replace the tub and sink. Alisha painted Lily's room for me - it looks much more like a bedroom now that the new sink and tub are out of there and where they belong:-) Thanks guys, you are awesome!! Mike spent the day working on the ceramic tile surround. Looks like it will probably take him another couple of days, but it is looking good.
Joe Rogan Birth Chart
8 months ago
Congratulations!! I have just read these last three entries of yours and of course, am crying... Thank you for sharing your blog withus.
Have a safe and wonderful trip to (and back from) China, I will keep you and your family in my prayers!
Okay...Now I know who you are. :) Was your baby on the website for a little time? I am thinking we might have enquired about her! (but she wasn't God's girl for us, obviously.) :)
Yes, she was actually up for several months. The first couple of times we enquired about her, her file was out with other families.
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