More great news. We are right where we need to be. Tomorrow on April 17 we meet with our homestudy agency for the last time. She has been great in seeing us through this process. We have received copies of our marriage/birth certificates and have sent them back to the Secretary of State in Minnesota and Washington and waiting for there return. We have to do this because they have to be authenticated. It is all part of the process. We had our physicals and blood tests done and we passed that. We have completed our autobiographies. Both Jennifer and I had to do one- 5-8 pages long. We will soon send off our imigration paperwork and then will have to wait for their response for fingerprinting. We hope to mail that off as soon as we receive our authenticated marriage/birth certificates. Our dossier will then start to be completed. We will send everything off to CCAI and they will start working on it from their end.
We have been doing well with the fundraising. So far we have raised $7738.50. $3000.00 of this amount is for the orphanage when we go to China. That will be given directly to the orphanage. That is a gift from our Wills and Memorials committee at Fifth Avenue United Methodist Church in West Bend, WI. We are truely blessed to have a church family like these people. We couldn't be happier to share this experience with everyone there. We will try to remember and thank everyone personally as we go. We are planning another mystery dinner. We won the photo contest for the first one we had so as a prize we received a free mystery dinner. We chose "The Library". That is where everyone can dress up as a character from some of their favorite stories like Snow White, Robin Hood, Little Red Riding Hood, the wolf, Huck Fin, etc. That is for a group of 17-30 people. It is one we can do 4 different times because it has 4 different endings. We are really anxious to do another one because the first one was a great time. The costumes were great. We will keep everyone posted on the next one. That is it for now. We will try to post another update this week after the homestudy visit. Thanks to all. God bless everyone of you!!
Joe Rogan Birth Chart
8 months ago
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