Thursday, February 09, 2006

Adoption Week #2

There is nothing new to report this week. Next Monday we meet with a potential agency to do our homestudy. Find out all the details and go from there. There is another agency I will be calling today or tomorrow to talk to them. They are also in Madison. Would like to have a back up in case, another option. We are greatful for all the friends and family who are supporting us in some way shape or form through this. This will be alot of fun and very exicting. We are planning on setting up a fund account and will be posting that soon in case anyone wants to help financially. This is something we do not expect from anyone but some may want to help us in this way. It will be set up at our bank. The adoption as a whole will cost about $18,000. We are going to be doing (hopefully) a lot of fundraising through our church and local businesses. We have a plan to start this fund and to keep it going for other families after us. This is something we hope to do through our church. If we raise more than what we need then that excess will be the start for that fund. I want to be able to help others in this process. It's not like a couple has $20,000 around for an adoption. We will post another "blog" next week sometime. Take care all and God Bless all of you. Mike

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